Gavin Blok's Wedding Photography Blog » Capturing Special Moments Since 1988 . . .

Gavin Blok's Wedding Photography Blog bio picture
  • Welcome to Gavin Blok Photography . . .

    Gavin is a multi-talented media creator & photographer, currently living and working in Johannesburg, South Africa along with his wife and three sons.

    For more than 24 years he has been capturing special events, weddings and corporate productions. The most exciting addition to Gavin's long established business is the completion of a new 135m² photographic rental studio with a white infinity curve, many backdrops, studio lights, light modifiers and props.

    To view Gavin's Wedding Photography Packages & Cost, please click here

  • Would you like to request more information?

    Just click on "Contact" in the menu above to go to our online info request page.  Here you can enter any questions that you may have, set up an appointment or arrange a visit to our studio.

    Thank you for visiting us and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

There is a new phenomenon taking place around the world and it is called, Trash The Dress!

Yes, it true! Can you imagine going into a lake – wearing your wedding dress on the day of your wedding? Never!! Who would be so crazy? Ok, not on your wedding day – and yes, there are many brides willing to do it!

Why mothball your wedding dress? Hoping that your daughter might want to wear it one day, is just wishful thinking! The trend now is to go to some outrageous, crazy, wacky, call it what you like location and have the time of your life – taking some of the most amazing pictures of you and your partner wearing your wedding attire. Off cause there is the risk that you might destroy your dress in the process, but at least you have the most incredible experience and amazing photographs to show for it.

So, now that you know what it’s all about – here follows a few pictures to share with of a recent Trash The Dress “TTD” we did with a few other wedding togs at Silverlakes Estate in Pretoria.

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

Trash The Dress, Silverlake Pta

  • 27 February 2010 - 6:43 pm

    vanessa - Hallo Gavin, I first want to praise you on your photos, your work is very good.

1. The Best of Photographic Lighting: Techniques and Images for Digital Photographers

Bill Hurter explains the characteristics of light–both natural and artificial–in this in-depth guide. Fully exploring color balance, exposure, and light ratios, the handbook expands on skills learned in the studio to explain how to harness the beauty of less predictable lighting situations, like those shot outdoors or on location. Packed with tips from more than 30 top professionals on wedding, portrait, and commercial photography, this resource is sure to both educate and inspire.

2. The Digital Photography Book: Secrets to make your photos look like the pros’!
By: Kelby, Scott
Published By: Pearson Education
Edition: 1

The Digital Photography Book

Why are there so many books on digital photography? It seems like a new one comes out every week, and it’s been like that for years. We think it’s because the books that keep coming out miss the mark on what most photographers really want: a book that cuts through all the techno-stuff, and uncovers the secrets the pros use to create amazing photos. After all, that’s what we all want, right? We want to create photos that make our friends and family say, “Wow, that’s incredible. Did you take that?” But even though we have great digital cameras—in fact, we often have the exact same makes and models that the big pros use—somehow they’re still the ones getting all the “Wows!”

Until now. Scott Kelby, the man who forever changed the “digital darkroom” with his ground breaking, #1 best-selling, award-winning book “The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers,” now tackles the most important side of digital photography: how to take pro-quality shots using the same tricks that today’s top digital pros use. This isn’t a book of theory—it isn’t full of jargon and confusing concepts.

This is a book that tells you exactly which button to push, which setting to use, and over 100 of the most closely guarded “tricks of the trade” to get you shooting dramatically better looking, sharper, more colorful, professional looking photos with your digital camera every time you push the shutter. Here’s another thing that makes this book different: each page covers just one trick, just one single concept that makes your photography better.

Every time you turn the page, you’ll learn another pro setting, another pro tool, another pro trick to transform your work from snapshots into gallery prints. There’s never been a book like it; if you’re tired of taking shots that just look “OK,” and if you’re tired of looking in photography magazines and thinking, “Why don’t my shots look like that?” then this is the book for you.

3. The Moment It Clicks: Photography secrets from one of the world’s top shooters
By: McNally, Joe
Published By: Pearson Education

Moment It Clicks


Joe McNally, one of the world’s top pro digital photographers, whose celebrated work has graced the pages of Sports Illustrated, Time, and National Geographic (to name a few), breaks new ground by doing something no photography book has ever done — blending the rich, stunning images and elegant layout of a coffee-table book with the invaluable training, no-nonsense insights, and photography secrets usually found only in those rare, best-of-breed educational books.

When Joe’s not on assignment for the biggest-name magazines and Fortune 500 clients, he’s in the classroom teaching location lighting, environmental portraiture, and how to “get the shot” at workshops around the world. These on-location workshops are usually reserved for a handful of photographers each year, but now you can learn the same techniques that Joe shares in his seminars and lectures in a book that brings Joe’s sessions to life.

What makes the book so unique is the “triangle of learning” where:
(1) Joe distills the concept down to one brief sentence. It usually starts with something like, “An editor at National Geographic once told me…” and then he shares one of those hard-earned tricks of the trade that you only get from spending a lifetime behind the lens. Then,
(2) on the facing page is one of Joe’s brilliant images that perfectly illustrates the technique (you’ll recognize many of his photos from magazine covers). And
(3) you get the inside story of how that shot was taken, including which equipment he used (lens, f/stop, lighting, accessories, etc.), along with the challenges that type of project brings, and how to set up a shot like that of your own.

This book also gives you something more. It inspires. It challenges. It informs.

But perhaps most importantly, it will help you understand photography and the art of making great photos at a level you never thought possible. This book is packed with those “Ah ha!” moments — those clever insights that make it all come together for you. It brings you that wonderful moment when it suddenly all makes sense — that “moment it clicks.”.

About six weeks ago we did one of the most amazing shoots for an aviation company.

The idea was to film a Hawker 700 jet in flight over the Hartebeespoort dam while chasing it from a second jet, a Cessna Citation. We spent more than 2hrs in the air and had several bypasses over the dam. The people below must have thought we were crazy.

Here are a few pictures of our day in the sky. The aerial shots of the Cessna Citation was taken by Geran, my assistant, while I was filming the Hawker 700 in flight.

Cessna Citation

Hawker 700

Hawker 700

Hawker 700 Pilots

Hawker 700 Pilots

Cessna Citation

Cessna Citation

Gavin Blok Photographer

Gavin and Greg of Yellow Star

. . . and here is the video

Philken Aviation Hawker 700 from Gavin Blok on Vimeo.

Over the last 20 years we have filmed and produced many, many wedding videos.

This short video below is a typical example of a Highlights Music Video that was recently produced in our Production Studio.   Please click on the image below to have a look . . .

Nadia and Greg HighLights Music Video from Gavin Blok on Vimeo.

Heidi,  you are a genius!!

Thank you so much for the beautiful cake you made for Ryan’s birthday.

Ryan could not believe his eyes when we showed it to him.  It was more than what he wanted and everyone at the party wanted to know where we got the cake.  Even other guests at the PutPut came to have a look and was amazed at the detail.  You are a star!!

Don’t be surprised if you get some inquiries.  I told everyone about your shop “Kadies” and that you actually only supply the ingredients.

Below,  as requested – is a few pictures of the cake:



